Support Agencies
Skylight is a New Zealand not-for-profit charitable trust, that supports children and teens impacted by change, loss and grief – whatever its cause. Skylight also help those who care for children and teens; this may mean parents, extended family, friends, community volunteers, caregivers, or professionals. Skylight’s work helps young people; their families and communities find ways to live with life’s losses, to build on their natural resilience and to move forward.
The National Association of Loss and Grief
The National Association of Loss and Grief (NALAG) is a voluntary, non-profit organisation, which focuses on issues related to loss and grief. It is recognised by a wide cross section of the caring professions and interested members of the community. NALAG branches extend throughout New Zealand.
Victim Support
Victim Support provides 24hr emotional support, personal advocacy and information to all people affected by crime and trauma throughout New Zealand.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is a voluntary organisation providing free, confidential information and advice to anyone about any query or problem. CAB is staffed by trained volunteers who can access information by computer or from the extensive range of resources held by each bureau.
Barnardos is New Zealand’s largest and most trusted children’s organisation. For more than 30 years Barnardos has worked within the community to help New Zealand children receive the care, education and support they need in order to grow and reach their potential.